I’ve been busy lately cleaning, it just never seems to get done what with working and watching the girls…Michael and Jennifer came home this weekend so that’s what started me on a cleaning spree before they got in on Friday. In the picture below I had an old, wooden box full of prims that I just didn’t want to use anymore and it was getting out of hand, everyday for months I was going to take it all down in the basement where I have to keep things I don’t use anymore and everyday I didn’t do it. LOL Well, Friday I finally did and I don’t know why I didn’t do it alot sooner because it really opened the space up between the Hoosier and the shelves.
The other day I was in Ollie’s, which is right next door to the Dollar Tree where I work part time, and they had this patriotic lamp for $5.99…now I’m trying to get away from the patriotic only because I seem to acquire to much of it and I end up selling it at the yard sale we have in August soooo what do I buy? a patriotic lamp… but I’m taking it back on Thursday when I work that afternoon. It just doesn’t look good to me, I like the idea of a lamp there but I think another type of lamp would go better.
The very bottom of it is black and I thought that for $5.99 I’d just spray it all black but it might not turn out right and I’d be stuck with it soooo back it goes along with a lampshade that I bought for my standing lamp between chairs in the livingroom. I’m having a real hard time with that because the lampshade has to be one that goes over a glass chimney piece, don’t see those to often.
Like I said I like the idea of a lamp here but just not this one:)
We had a busy weekend what with the kids coming home for the weekend plus Sydney’s first Holy Communion…she was beautiful in her white dress and veil, here she is with Uncle Chris…btw he turned 30 April 11th…my baby:) We also had beautiful weather this past Saturday so it all went great!!!

I’ve also started to work on my front porch Stush bought me something for it that I’ve always wanted so when I get that done I’ll be sure to post about it and of course have pics.
Also a big Hello to my newest friends thank you so very much for stopping by to read my craziness:) I appreciate it:) So have a great evening everyone where ever you are♥