I know it's sure been awhile since I've blogged here but I was just wore out, working and watching kids all week too. The babysitter is better now so I'm down to just two days a week and working three days a week...I got sick too, nothing serious just a cold and stomach virus. Not at the same time thanks goodness:) I was burning the candle at both ends as my mom would have said:)
I've come to a decision though...I'm changing my decorating style, yes it's time, I took the whole month off to try to make up my mind about it...not a very easy thing to do. For one thing I hated, yes hated, leaving you and the world of prim but I'm been decorating in some form of this style since 1983 and I feel if I don't do it now at the age of 59...I never will. I started a new blog... Something Nice and Pretty the other day if you would like to come by and visit me please do I'd love to have you, nothing much on there just one post but it does show you what I can do with a can of spray paint:)
Thank you to all that asked about me...Linda, Lisa, Pam, Teresa and Carolyn, I'm doing good and sure miss you all.
Have a wonderful night where ever you are!