Happy Birthday Michael…I can’t believe your 35 today, where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday they laid you on my stomach and you turned your head up to look at me, 1975 and you were my third one, and you looked just like me, I can’t tell you how much that thrilled me. You are also the picture of my dad even his build and mannerisms…I miss you both, my dad because he’s in heaven and YOU because your are in Annapolis, have fun in downtown Annapolis eating and walking around it has to be just beautiful in the spring. You have did so well with your life, put yourself thur college to become what you love…a history teacher…I’m so proud of you♥
Love you, MOM
PS. How old were you in this picture? 15?
~Ok, I’m teary eyed here so on to what makes us forget for a little while GW…which was really good to me today. I found these three rolling pins for .99 a piece, I couldn’t believe the price on them. All are very well used, now I think I have to put them in a bigger crock I have so many,LOL
When I first spotted this I thought it was made of wood but it’s a type of pottery but sure looks like wood from far away so I’ll display it for .99:) Just have to see where it will go!

I FINALLY found a light fixture for above the diningroom table and brand new I might add, they had four of them, it came with four globes but I won’t be using them:) Now I just have to spray paint it black and I think the wood part in Barn Red then stain in walnut…I’m open to any suggestions that you might have ladies and gents, what other colors (for the wood part) could I use? I have to get some candle sleeves and I saw those at Barbera’s Country Store last week so at least I know where to get them.

I went to a really cute baby shower Saturday for my friend’s daughter Lesley, the theme was Mother Nature.
The Place Setting, the favor was the birdnest you see at the top, so good with the candy eggs, I think it was some type of pretzel that made the nest.
Look at the cupcakes and they are sitting on burlap with pinecones and the tree too!
On the invitation it said not to wrap the gifts that they would be displayed so that Lesley could mingle with everyone and also because they went with the green theme, I thought this was cute.
This takes the place of a bassinet, it adjusts to the height of your bed so that after nursing you can just lay the baby in it:)
I gave her the white wicker basket and in green on the front is embrodired Baby Things and filled it with things that she was registered for, found the cutest little Ralph Lauren socks ( BTW she is having a boy) the basket I found at TJMax, so adorable! It was different as far as not wrapping the gifts but neat I thought!

Instead of games they had a Chinese auction all themed baskets that you could win if your ticket was drawn.
Wine Basket
Birdhouse Basket
Spa Products for the bath
This is the one I wanted to win…Silpada jewlery but didn’t… the lady across from me did!
For the movies at home!
There was more but just didn’t get a picture of them…I loved it although I didn’t win anything:)
Well, that’s about it ladies and gents, I’m posting on my lap top which I got back today.YeYYYYYY! And a big hello to all the followers and the newbies too, I appreciate it so much that you all stop by♥
A beautiful day here in Pa. the birds were singing and you can see the buds starting on the trees, my hostas are up too!
I hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patricks Day…I have Irish in me my great, great grandparents on my mother’s side were from County Down, boy, what I wouldn’t give to have my mom’s corn beef and cabbage today:)
Have a wonderful evening wherever you are:)