~Tomato Creek Prims~
A simple life...Stush and I, the kids and the grands♥

Monday, November 23, 2009

~Learning Live Writer~

Wow , baby is this something or what? Totally confused but I’ll figure it out one way or another.LOL

Chris came to pick up his clothes and drop off the Epson ink for our printer. Of course, I grabbed him and dragged him to my computer and said “ show me what I’m doing wrong with live writer” and in a couple minutes he had it up and running for me, I so wish I knew the computer like he does…he clicked on things I didn’t even know I had on here.LOL I knew he would be able to help it’s just getting him here and having the time to help:) As you can tell I’m happy.

No pictures this time, I still have to learn how to go about that. What I’m doing is putting up my tree and listening to Christmas music, I guess I’m into the holiday spirit, I knew once Thanksgiving week was here I’d want to at least put up my tree! As you can see I switched to a different font…hey maybe I’ll even change my background to a Christmas one.LOL Maybe not because I just have to much to do, in a half hour I have to go and pick up Samantha and then Sydney off the bus.

Were having pizza today for dinner because I want to do everything at once it seems while I have the day off, I don’t know what I’ll accomplish but it will be something, now I have to figure out how to publish this.

Have a great one everyone!


  1. Nicely done Rondell!!!
    I learned a little about live writer from Linda "behind my red door."
    So I went there and signed up. That's as far as I got-but you have motivated me!
    I like what you have done thus far!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving week,

  2. You sound like me with the computer, I have to ask my daughter Sydnee to help me with stuff!

  3. Yeah for you Rondell!!! Your post looks great! I am with you on the computer thing. My hubby is so gifted with modern technology and I am stuck in time!!! Still trying to get enough nerve to start a blog, so you are doing great. Always enjoy your posts. Have a good week and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!
    Prim friend, Sherrie

  4. Hi Rondell!....I have only heard people mention the Live Writer so I have no clue what it is but I did notice today that Blogger has a new thingy to post in so I just gave that a try and so far so good!


  5. Pics are easy to upload and you can easily change the size,too! It does everything (except keep the font settings, for some reason....) enjoy and have a great holiday!

  6. Rondell,
    I'm glad your son was such a help to you. I've been listening to Christmas music & putting up our decorations but no tree yet.
    May you and your family have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

  7. LOL! You are doing great! I still haven't figured out how to change fonts! I'll work on that next time!

  8. Hi Rondell........I don't know what it is about the fonts, I have to change it everytime I post.
    But, I think the adding a photo option is pretty easy with Live Writer.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. You did good Rondell!! WOO HOO!

    In case I don't get back here - I have Lili coming again and pies to bake and 12 people to cook for - I wanted to wish you and yours a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!!

    warm hugs, Linda

  10. Rondell - youve done a lot of learning... I cant even find livewriter... where is it?? lol... youre streets ahead already!!

  11. I downloaded Livewriter a few months ago but after trying to figure it out for an hour, I gave up. So now...who is this Chris and where can I buy him? I need a Chris to help me. :)

  12. Sounds like a great day, decorating, pizza and grandchildren. It doesn't get any better, other than the computer. Have been having my own issues with that, frustrating!

    Have a great holiday.


  13. Rondell, I think you're going to like live writer. I thought it is much easier to use than blogger. Pictures are easier and more options to do with them.
    Just wanted to wish you & yours a happy Thanksgiving!


Love to read each and everyone of your comments...thanks for taking the time to stop by for a visit... your always welcome♥