Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a great weekend, sorry I
haven't posted since Tuesday but
I just have been so tired lately
and the ole knee acts up when I do to much... such as watching
the girls and today working out in the yard trying to help get
everything ready summer.
On this weekend I count myself really blessed....both my
brothers served in the army...Dave was a paratrooper in the
early 60's and Mike served in Veitnam, he made it home all
in one piece which is amazing since
he saw alot of action. My dad served in the Navy during WWII and never
in all my years of knowing my dad did he ever talk about the war.
My dad and Dave are both gone now, Dave died of cancer about twelve years ago
and my dad has been gone close to twenty years , they all served their country, Dave joined
and Mike and my dad were both drafted. A big thank you to them and all who served to keep
our land free!!!