Monday, September 29, 2008
~A Thank You & Something New~
Friday, September 26, 2008
~New Halloween Stitchery and My Fall Decorating Outside~
Thursday, September 25, 2008
~Two Giveaways~
I think this giveaway is so pretty, Terri from Thistle Down Primitives is having an October giveaway and will draw a name on October 3rd stop by and enter you could be the lucky winner, I would just love to have this in my home:) She mentioned that the background is an old army blanket, how neat is that?
I love it, I think it's so cute for Halloween and if your the winner you have a choice of this one or a fall decorated one, how neat is that?
I watched Samantha today so I'm a little tired, Michele had to go into Pittsburgh for work so I had to be there earlier then usual and leave later:) I took Sydney to the bus stop then brought Samantha home to dress her for preschool, drove her to school then went to the GW. Not much there...I did buy a silver platter for a $1.00, I needed something for the holidays for cookies or pie, the owners name was still taped to the bottom! A nice medium sized basket of silk poinsettas for $1.59 and a frame to paint black, like I said not much. I also stopped at JoAnn Fabrics and they had their felt on sale, now I know it's not the good wool felt but I'm so anxious and interested in making a penny rug that I did the most stupidest thing...I bought a yd of five different colors! When I got to my car I thought why didn't I buy just a half a yd of each.duh!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
~Shay's Giveaway~

Monday, September 22, 2008
~Amish Baby Bonnet~
Sunday, September 21, 2008
~The Covered Bridge Festival and Mary's Giveaway~
This is the Ebenezer Bridge which we go to last... each bridge in Washington and Greene County have this every year and we always look forward to it. We also go to the Henry Bridge first, there isn't any shade there so we always hit that one then drive to the Ebenezer. There are 210 covered bridges in the commonwealth of PA, 22 are in Washington County and 7 in Greene. The knickname for them is the "Kissin Bridges" when a suitor would steal a kiss from their sweethearts. They took their red color from an early paint formula, the red oxides in the local soil were a natural insect-proofer even today though with modern paint they still keep the traditional color:)
Of course these two had to ride the train but their mom said they had to eat their lunch first, the cars are made out of barrels:)
I bought this black ticking towel for 9.95 which I thought was alot but I liked it so brought it home with me because I knew I would have got home and wished I had bought it:)
The last tent we stopped at before heading home had so many neat ideas! I just stood there and tried, with two hot kids, to take in everything, Michele bought a beautiful, prim light fixture for her entryway for 68.00 but I've seen them go for 150.00 and up. I finally decided on this painted pail with eucalyptus in it, only because I never buy anything like it usually, right now it's in my bedroom but could be moved around after fall decorating is put away:)
Aren't you glad Mary is back safe and sound? I sure missed her posts and was so happy to be blogging and notice that there was a post from her mentioning her 100th post giveaway! Stop over for a visit and enter to win.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
~Just Thought You'd like to Know~
I hope you all are having a glorious fall day like we are having here!
Friday, September 19, 2008
~Tired and Tagged~
I've had these two spice tins for years and I keep them in the hoosier drawer so I don't forget to put them out, they are really the start of the holiday seasons for me, have been for years...Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are entering that time of year friends:)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
~Early Breakfast and The Yellow Farmhouse Giveaway~

Monday, September 15, 2008
~Another Wonderful Giveaway~

~Getting Ready For Winter~
I decorated a bit out by the pool house, my marigolds did great, first time I've ever had them. I think next year though I'll go back to the impatients they always did well planted there. In back of the trellis is fern that I transplanted to here from down the hill on our property they really took so I hope they will even spread a bit next spring:)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
~Isn't This Sweet~
I thought this was so cute and won it on ebay I think it's neat how she put the picture of the little girl and boy on to this fabric and made it into a needful:)
I'm doing another sampler and I've been working on that this weekend, when I'm done I'll post a pic of it, it's a Halloween one!
I have a roast and potatoes in the crockpot and will be ready before the Steeler game comes on this evening. Have a wonderful day:)
Friday, September 12, 2008
~Super Giveaway and New Etsy Shop Opening~

~My Fun Friday~
I was blog surfing when I came home from the GW and Historical Society porch sale and came across Char from The Pickled Pepper Patch great post on using dishes to make tiered tabletop server's for under $5.00...they are wonderful and I do plan on making one, I think they would be great for the holidays.
Which reminded me of what I had done way back in August...all from Goodwill... and by the way I saw it done on Cherry Hill Cottage in some back posts wish I could remember which one:) You just need a dinner plate, tea cup and a cheese dome, the cheese domes are the most expensive I paid about 3.99 for each of the three I bought and sometimes you have to buy both pieces which I just throw away.
I like this one the best that I did, it's all a creamy white with a black homespun tied around the top, I love the edgeing on this plate.
This one is pink edged with tiny pink flowers on the cup. BTW that's faux food that I won from Ebay:) I think they would be neat to leave out all the time with faux cupcakes or cinnamon buns!
Notice my new mini blinds? Believe me that's a whole other story. LOL
If Stush would have been home I would have had him take a pic of me in this beige sweater from Spegiel for $3.99 at GW, it's brandnew and so soft, the bottom part of the sweater is like the pattern on the sleeve. Love it and I can just imagine the original price it had been, I can't wait to wear it:)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
~102 Minutes That Changed America~

A year later I went to New York City and visited the site of the downed Twin Towers, I will never forget the erriness of the place the total quiet, the twisted steel in the form of the cross, the front of the fire station still with boots, coats and flowers and steps leading up to no where, I wonder if they have kept those steps for a memorial... I know there was talk of it.
That day has taught me one thing never ever take your love ones for granted...all those men and women kissed their loved ones goodbye expecting to come home for supper... they didn't.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
~Here's How They Turned Out and My Ten Things I Love About Fall~
1. The smell in the just know it's fall!
2. The different scents of candles for fall, they even look good with their fall colors
3. The craft the Covered Bridge Festival the atmosphere is wonderful, the craft booths are all set up around the red covered bridge. The SpringHouse is always there with their different types of pies, I always bring one home for Stush.
4. The grandaughters with the Halloween costumes on and the town Halloween parade that they always want to walk in!
5. Food!!! Beef stew, chilli, pumpkin pie and pumpkin cookies:)
6. The the ones that turn reddish gold.
7. It get darker it in the fall but not in January and February.
8. Winter clothes, I love my turtlenecks and sweaters, jeans and boots:)
9. Walking in the leaves and hearing them crunch.
10. School starting...they have grandparents day where Sydney goes to
school and we have breakfast together there!
Monday, September 8, 2008
~Fleamarket Finds and JoAnn Fabric~
I also bought two other prim items but can't show is for a gift and I just sent it out today so I know she doesn't have it yet:) The other is for my Christmas Stocking Swap that Robin is hosting. Yes, I've started to buy for that already because it will be here before you know it.:) Have a great evening everyone!
~Hurry UP For This ONE!~
I'll be back later on today...have a great day everyone.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
~Two Giveaways to Tell You About~