Tuesday, June 30, 2009
~My Life~
Monday, June 29, 2009
~Mom Would Be Proud~

Friday, June 26, 2009
~ Around the Top of My Cupboards ~
It's gloomy here...I wish it would just go ahead and rain already:) No sun yet this morning but will be 84 and humid!
I went to my daughter's yesterday to turn the filter on for her pool and it was so hot that I decided to go for a swim...the water was so warm that I could just walk in, love it when it's like that, usually I inch my way in:0 A little bit later Nick and Alex came to swim than after a while Chris and his friend we had a good time until Chris went in the house and opened the refrigerator...came outside to tell me that the frig was broke!!! Oh, no!!! That was my late afternoon chore cleaning out a frig that we think had broke on Monday and here it was Thursday, you can just imagine the smell plus ants were there because of melted ice cream. Nick and I cleaned and thur out everything...thank goodness it was garbage night there, when I got home I could hardly eat because I still smelled that smell...yuck! BTW this frig is only a year old, she still doesn't know, I guess I'll tell her tomorrow they will be coming home then I just couldn't see calling and putting a damper on their vacation! At least they won't have to clean it out when they get home just get it fixed.
Here is the top of my kitchen cabinets...as you can see I'm keeping things simple up there...this is the cabinet right above the frig so we are going left to right:) I love the blue canning jars up there.
One cupboard over...
Then kitchen window and single cabinet:)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
~Whatcha Working on Wednesday~
I'm late again for WWW but that does usually happen when I have a 1 o'clock hair appt. on a Wednesday. Plus our power was out right when I was using the computer this morning...seems a cement truck hit a utility pole so I had to put makeup on in a dark bathroom with only candle light to see by:)
This is what I worked on today, I bought this clock for 50% off at The Country Store last Friday and was thrilled, I had been on the look out for one for my mantel, so I was hoping to see one at GW cheap then prim it up but I hadn't had any luck in finding one there.Well, when I got it up to the counter though I noticed that the top and bottom of the clock were a dark green... so then I had to decide if I wanted to buy it and paint it, as you can see I decided to bring it home:0 This first pic is the finished clock after I painted and stained it...I used a colonial blue then the walnut stain. It turned out great and now I'm glad I did buy it and do a little redo on it.

I'm also working on a patriotic sampler in the mornings and evenings...I have quite a few frames from GW I need to fill with some samplers:)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
~My Life~

It's My Life
have you ever read 'To Our Children's Children'? it's a great book designed to help you preserve your life story for generations to come. i have been wanting to do this and thought it would be fun to do it together. the idea is to one day make a book from our posts for our children.
I hope you'll join me in this endeavor,here's how we'll do it.
each tuesday you will have several questions to answer. each month there will be a 'theme' for the month. for example, we will start with your family and ancestry, then we'll move on into the house of your growing up, your childhood, holidays & celebrations, romance, parenthood, etc. sometimes the questions will be simple, sometimes they may not even apply and other times, you might find it hard to answer. there's never a right or wrong answer.
if you have blog, sign up with mr.linky, which will be at the end of each post. you'll then make your own post by copying and pasteing the questions ans answering them. if you don't have a blog, i encourage you to play along with a journal.
please link back to my blog in your posts and encourage your readers to play along.
the important thing is to never underestimate just how grateful your children and your children's children will be that you are doing this for them. it will be cherished for generations to come.
There is a Mr. Linky to go back to on her blog so if you decide to do this please stop by Julie's blog to sign up!
1. What was your mother's name? June Adair
What was your father's name? Michael
Your grandmother's names? Rondell and Mildred
Your grandfather's names? Michael and Daniel
2. Do you have brother's and sisters? Two brothers and one sister. What are their names? Michael, Dave and Judy How old were you when they were born? I was #4 so I was the baby . Do you remember the first time you saw them? NO
3. What about your aunts and uncles? I had such a slew of them...my dad was one of 7 and my mom one of 3. I guess I'll just name the ones that I saw on a regular basis in my childhood.
My mom's sister Irma
My mom's brother George and his wife Aunt Trease
My dad's brother John and his wife Aunt Monnie
My dad's brother Pete and his wife Aunt Larue
4.Did your family get together much casualy or did you have to travel to spend time together? On both sides we used to have family reunions which were fun when I was little. One park that we had one in had a pool so to me that was just so much fun because when I was little people just didn't have them in their yards...You swam in the river !!! LOL
There... that was fun and it didn't take a long time to do especially if you cut and paste, now I actually feel like I accomplished something for today:)
Monday, June 22, 2009
~I Want One!!! and Little GW Finds~

I put some mod podge on them and some cinnamon and cloves on the ceramic bottoms. This one is on the cupboard in the entryway!

This one is an Aloe plant that is sitting on my crock bench in the keeping room. The little jug I bought at the Country Store, I think it's cute!

Awww, Html don't you just love it!!! The spaces just never work out for me.
The sugar bowl I also found at GW for .49 it's some type of pottery and I'm sure it cost more then .49 the date on the back is "86".
I've probably been driving you crazy with all the background changes I've had lately.lol I just couldn't find one that I was satisfied with, the 1st one wiggly things drove me nuts and then the 2nd one I didn't care for the writing on the middle column. I think this one is okay for a while and it seems to load fast...if not please let me know, okay?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
~My Entryway and Adding to My Selling Blog~
I tweaked some today, I didn't know if I should hang things in the entryway or not because now everything in the living room and dining room is pushed to the middle of the rooms plus everything is off the walls and Stush will be filling holes and sanding soon, but I just can't live this way without anything on the walls so I'll just have to clean and wipe off after everything is finally done!
Here is what I put up on the one wall that is left of the front door, the peg rack used to be above my drysink in the dining room now it's in the entryway and it's amazing how things look new in a different room:) The stocking strecher and tin lantern used to be in the keeping room and so was George but I moved him in here to go with the patriotic mirror. I don't know if it will stay this way but for now it's okay!

The sewing machine is in the middle of the keeping room floor and everything in the diningroom and living room is pushed from the walls all wine glasses and everything that would break is out of the cabinet. Anyway I moved the cabinet that you see there from above the table that I have my wooden bowls on to the entryway!

A better picture of them!
Beige background with black letters and designs of crows and willow tree.
Here is the back of it, it's very nicely done.
Price is $8.00 which includes shipping! If you wish to purchase please remember to email me...rondell1951@hotmail.com