Jennifer came in the day after Christmas and really made my Christmas special...she went antiquing in Winston Salem, North Carolina for some of my gifts:)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
♥ Happy New Year's to All ♥
This is what I woke up to this morning, we didn't get snow on Christmas but New Year's eve instead:0 I plugged the Christmas lights in and just enjoyed the veiw while drinking my coffee:)
Jennifer came in the day after Christmas and really made my Christmas special...she went antiquing in Winston Salem, North Carolina for some of my gifts:)
This picture isn't an antique but I just love it, I'm going to put it above my shelf that Stush made, after all the Christmas stuff is put away.
I also got to umwrap's what they used to put on their porch for the milkman to keep the milk from freezing and there is milk bottles inside...the egg beater is what she got me too. I'm thinking that I'd like to put them up above my kitchen cabinets if it fits:)
Jennifer came in the day after Christmas and really made my Christmas special...she went antiquing in Winston Salem, North Carolina for some of my gifts:)
Christmas 08
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
♥ A Good Heart ♥
Good morning everyone!
It's colder weather here in western PA but still no snow which in some ways is a good thing:)
I wanted to share with you some additions to my Pfaltzgraff dish collection and how it came to be. Christmas eve I worked till 5 then had to stop at Giant Eagle come home and get ready for church then dinner at Michele's. When I finally got home their was a package waiting for me on the kitchen counter and I just couldn't wait to open it:) Carolee from Autumn Mom had sent me these you remember when I was having so much trouble receiving my comments? Well, by accident I found that I had to go to my dashboard to publish them, I had alot to publish and took me awhile to do it! I came to Carolee's... offering me these dishes that she thought I just started to collect and she had found these at her thrift store for $5.99...yes, I said $5.99!!! I looked at the date of her comment and said a little prayer that she still had them and the offer was still good, e-mailed her and was thrilled to know that I could still purchase them. When I got them I e-mailed her to tell her that they arrived safely and I would be sending out the payment plus shipping ( which was alot coming from Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada) her reply to my e-mail was this...
Consider it a Christmas gift. Someday when you are making yourself some small thing, make one for me! ;-)
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Blessings, Carolee
I think God sends angels out on Christmas eve, you sure are one!
As you can see there is a platter, dinner plate, dessert plate, small bowl and a creamer that you could easily use for a gravey boat if you had to:)
Here I have added the ones that I found at the flea market for $7.00 cup saucer and dessert plate! The prim bench they are on Michele gave me for Christmas...the lid opens and I'm going to put my craft stuff in it!
I have been trying to learn some functions on my new camara this is a shot from my diningroom I could never do this with my old one:0
It's colder weather here in western PA but still no snow which in some ways is a good thing:)
I wanted to share with you some additions to my Pfaltzgraff dish collection and how it came to be. Christmas eve I worked till 5 then had to stop at Giant Eagle come home and get ready for church then dinner at Michele's. When I finally got home their was a package waiting for me on the kitchen counter and I just couldn't wait to open it:) Carolee from Autumn Mom had sent me these you remember when I was having so much trouble receiving my comments? Well, by accident I found that I had to go to my dashboard to publish them, I had alot to publish and took me awhile to do it! I came to Carolee's... offering me these dishes that she thought I just started to collect and she had found these at her thrift store for $5.99...yes, I said $5.99!!! I looked at the date of her comment and said a little prayer that she still had them and the offer was still good, e-mailed her and was thrilled to know that I could still purchase them. When I got them I e-mailed her to tell her that they arrived safely and I would be sending out the payment plus shipping ( which was alot coming from Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada) her reply to my e-mail was this...
Consider it a Christmas gift. Someday when you are making yourself some small thing, make one for me! ;-)
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Blessings, Carolee
I think God sends angels out on Christmas eve, you sure are one!
As you can see there is a platter, dinner plate, dessert plate, small bowl and a creamer that you could easily use for a gravey boat if you had to:)

pfaltzgraff dishes
Sunday, December 28, 2008
♥ Marley and Other Animals ♥
Yesterday evening we went to see Marley and Me....I won't go into the story because I know some of you want to see it or are waiting for it to come on TV or DVD. We had plans to take the three granddaughters but the youngest two were sick so Sydney just went and let me tell you there wasn't a dry eye in the house:) Cute story!
The evening after Christmas day we went to my brother's home...this is the tree in the sun room and that's my sister Judy and my son Nick in the background there.
Now my brother Mike is an avid hunter and fisherman and the great room has his trophies on the wall, all done so nicely and I give that credit to my SIl Janet:) As I said he loves to hunt and his animals are from Alaska and Wyoming...come this fall he is going to Africa.
Mr. Moose is my favorite, they have him angled so that he curves around to be looking at the TV. He is huge!
This wreath is above the fireplace, Janet had a florist put the pheasants on a grapevine wreath, I think it's beautiful.
This is some sort of fish.

This I think is an Elk...I think!

Michael was there too!

Now my brother Mike is an avid hunter and fisherman and the great room has his trophies on the wall, all done so nicely and I give that credit to my SIl Janet:) As I said he loves to hunt and his animals are from Alaska and Wyoming...come this fall he is going to Africa.
This I think is an Elk...I think!
Michael was there too!
as I'm sure everyone is. We didn't have a white Christmas which was a little disappointing but good for the people who had to travel.
I went to Walmart today with Michele and the girls and I bought a digital bathroom scale for me, time to work off all those wonderful sweets that I had.

Christmas 08
Friday, December 26, 2008
♥ The Day After ♥
Good morning everyone!
I hope all of you had a great Christmas Day...we sure did here! Oh, and I did get my camara from Chris♥ it's a red Kodak with a LCD screen, I'm just thrilled with it although Chris and I were fooling with it and he took a panaramic veiw of the keeping room but it didn't show up when I loaded these pics so I'll have to see what he says about that, he's working right now so I can't bother him:) I work today BTW, noon till 5 then on to my brother's home for a Christmas gathering....I think today is my last day at work, I feel bad because I liked everyone that works there... no one mean there at all:)
Here are my babies, they sure gave Grammy alot of joy this year, this was taken right before they opened their gifts:)
Michael and Corrie...home from Maryland...I'm so happy!
I don't know how this happened but I'm afraid to try anything for fear it deletes every thing!
I hope all of you had a great Christmas Day...we sure did here! Oh, and I did get my camara from Chris♥ it's a red Kodak with a LCD screen, I'm just thrilled with it although Chris and I were fooling with it and he took a panaramic veiw of the keeping room but it didn't show up when I loaded these pics so I'll have to see what he says about that, he's working right now so I can't bother him:) I work today BTW, noon till 5 then on to my brother's home for a Christmas gathering....I think today is my last day at work, I feel bad because I liked everyone that works there... no one mean there at all:)
Here are my babies, they sure gave Grammy alot of joy this year, this was taken right before they opened their gifts:)

Christmas 08
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
♥ Almost Christmas Eve ♥
Well, it's almost Christmas eve...I still have things to wrap but it will get done even though I have to work tomorrow then come home, go to church then to Michele's for Christmas eve dinner. I always get it done but I'm getting older and it seems like it gets harder every
Here's my tree with all the lights out in the room...sure would love to get a new camera for
Christmas...look it Ebenizer Scoorge on TV!!! also Buster who I didn't know was in the pic!
Michele has these in on her tree and I took a pattern from them...I got Stush to make them...I think he did a great job although I would have liked them primmed a little more.LOL
Here's my tree with all the lights out in the room...sure would love to get a new camera for
Christmas...look it Ebenizer Scoorge on TV!!! also Buster who I didn't know was in the pic!

Christmas 08
Saturday, December 20, 2008
♥ The Shelf is Up and Bathroom Pics ♥
Hello everyone!
Stush just put my shelf up and I was so excited...especially to decorate it for Christmas:) I may tweak it later but for now this is okay. We have tall ceilings in the livingroom so placing it just so much work...I wanted it up high enough so that I could at some later date hang a prim towel from one of the pegs so I didn't want it to low to the couch bet yet again I didn't want it up to high, Stush said it looks bare now because I took all the pictures down but you know how you get when you want to change something to more
Here's a closer look...
I love the crock with the cinnamon sticks in it and the prim snowman, someday I hope all my snowmen will be prim♥ I also hope to paint in here in the spring!

The bathroom color has finally grown on me and I do like it now and I finally framed the sampler with Samantha's name...the tree is in a yellow ware bowl♥

I turned my crow towel around looks a little more Christmasy♥

I just added some greenery to the cabinet in here.

This is my entry way, I bought the holly garland at Jo Ann's for 1.98 they were all sold out of garland...I couldn't believe it:)
Stush just put my shelf up and I was so excited...especially to decorate it for Christmas:) I may tweak it later but for now this is okay. We have tall ceilings in the livingroom so placing it just so much work...I wanted it up high enough so that I could at some later date hang a prim towel from one of the pegs so I didn't want it to low to the couch bet yet again I didn't want it up to high, Stush said it looks bare now because I took all the pictures down but you know how you get when you want to change something to more
The bathroom color has finally grown on me and I do like it now and I finally framed the sampler with Samantha's name...the tree is in a yellow ware bowl♥
I turned my crow towel around looks a little more Christmasy♥
I just added some greenery to the cabinet in here.
This is my entry way, I bought the holly garland at Jo Ann's for 1.98 they were all sold out of garland...I couldn't believe it:)
I hope all my blogging friends have a wonderful Christmas with their friends and all mean so much to me. I love coming on here and reading of the ups and downs of each and everyone of you...thank you for sharing your lives with me.
~Merry Christmas! Just in case I can't get on here till after Christmas♥
black shelf
Thursday, December 18, 2008
♥ Finally Found the Star ♥
I finally found time this morning to hunt for the star for my tree and found it way down in a box, I didn't use it last year so that's why it was so hard to locate!
Like I said I finally had some time to putze around before I had to be at work at noon...I sprayed some Sinkerdoodle room spray all over, I had won it from Sandy from For the Love of Prims, and it smells so good:) I couldn't resist the snowmen salt and pepper shakers from Dollar General, I know they are a little cute but they made me smile:)
While I was looking for the star I found this wooden gingerbread man and I don't really know where he came from...needless to say he needed new raisin eyes and buttons so I did that plus he had a red and green ribbon around his neck which I replaced with some homespun.
I also did the top of the frig!
Well, I'm off tomorrow, Saturday and was payday so it sure will help when I go Christmas shopping tomorrow and Saturday. I'm glad now that I did do this job it will help out at least a little bit:) I work next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday...10 to 3:30 so I sure hope I get everything done by Wednesday!
Have a great weekend everyone...I just can't believe Christmas is next week♥

Christmas 08
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
♥ Just a Quick Note ♥
I've not forgot about you, I couldn't if I wanted I've just been working and even an hour over time!!! I doubt I'll have anything for Whatcha Working on Wednesday...I do have something that I gave Stush to do while I was working but I just haven't had the time to buy the paint or sand them so maybe I can show you Thursday or Friday:)
This is he can't fit under the tree so he lays on the rug in front of it with his paws he's praying♥
Here is another ornament my mom bought for me...why did she buy this paticular one and why did she want me to have it? If only I had asked:(
This is he can't fit under the tree so he lays on the rug in front of it with his paws he's praying♥
Sunday, December 14, 2008
♥ More Ornament Stories ♥
Good Sunday morning to you,
I've been working last day off was last Monday and my next day off is Friday, I have no idea how I'm going to get everything done but I'm really trying not to panic. I know some way some how it will get done:) My tree still doesn't have the star on top I just haven't had the time to look for it.LOL After working yesterday Stush and I went to Michele's to watch the girls while they went to her boss's Christmas party, the girls were so excited and it took a while to get them asleep but finally that happened and Stush and I watched It's a Wonderful Life...that movie sure puts things in perspective doesn't it?
So today I thought I'd show the rest of my special ornaments...this is one Nick made from a baby jar lid, it has a picture of presents under the tree cut from a Christmas card...Nick is now 36 years old:)
This one is Michael's he made this one in school and it is so fragile, made from clay I think and painted. This one always makes me nervous that it will some how get broken...he made it in 1st grade, I think, and always looks for it on the he is a teacher:)
Chris made this one when he was about 14, it's the yellow submarine, we were all going thur the divorce then so I figure this was good therapy for him...he's now 28.
This is what's left of my childhood how it has survived I'll never I keep it with my Christmas ornaments and hang it on the tree. I was really little maybe Samantha's age when I got the dish set for Christmas with Bo Peep on it... gee, now they are plastic with the Princess's on them, probably safer though:)

I always get at least one new ornament each year this year Michele bought me favorite Christmas movie♥
Have a great day and think of me while I'm working from 11 to 4:30, I don't mind really, so far people have been really nice and patient the lines do get long at certain times of the day. One lady came thur my line with 76.00 worth of baskets...she said she had alot of relatives:) Oh, well at least she thought of them!
I've been working last day off was last Monday and my next day off is Friday, I have no idea how I'm going to get everything done but I'm really trying not to panic. I know some way some how it will get done:) My tree still doesn't have the star on top I just haven't had the time to look for it.LOL After working yesterday Stush and I went to Michele's to watch the girls while they went to her boss's Christmas party, the girls were so excited and it took a while to get them asleep but finally that happened and Stush and I watched It's a Wonderful Life...that movie sure puts things in perspective doesn't it?
So today I thought I'd show the rest of my special ornaments...this is one Nick made from a baby jar lid, it has a picture of presents under the tree cut from a Christmas card...Nick is now 36 years old:)
I always get at least one new ornament each year this year Michele bought me favorite Christmas movie♥

Christmas 08
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