"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." - Abraham Lincoln
How is everyone today? I cleaned today after I came home from getting the girls off to school...I wanted to do that before I sat down to the computer. Now I'm washing clothes for Chris so while they are washing and drying I'll post about the great day I had yesterday:
This is Rhonda and I on the porch at The Rusty Angel...it's located at 409 S. Maple Ave. Greensburg Pa. and Rhonda took me there to shop and drool:) You all would just love it ladies a very prim/colonial shop!Rhonda and I, of course met thur ours blogs and emailing each other saying how we both are addicted to prims so we finally met at The Country Store in Belle Vernon, Rhonda said she needed to buy more homespun and I wanted to get some too...it's only $3.00 a yd there:)
We looked around there for a bit and bought our homespun but I was saving my $$ for The Rusty Tin Angel.lol
First though here is a pic of what Rhonda made for me...isn't it beautiful ? I put my pins and needles in it last night I couldn't wait:)...she is so talented she even did the bead work on it. I love it Rhonda so very nice of you to think of me like that, I'll use it every day.
Here is the outside of the Rusty Angel, I just love the sign.

I loved this wheelbarrow so very prim:)
Now I'll be honest I took these pics without asking:), these next to pics are upstairs, you can see some blankets and pillows plus shelves of linens. Look at the make-do chair...it was 20% off and I still couldn't afford it:) it was nice to finally see one though I've only seen them in magazines and on ebay. The headboard of the bed is black and you can see a felted heart hanging on the post, I have to make myself one of those to hang on my headboard.
The sampler on the wall there was priced at $550.00 it has wool on it too...the valences had stars on them but they didn't show up very well. The chandeliers were hanging all over the room, what a prim site that was:0
Every room was prim/colonial heaven and will I go back? You bet... sometimes it's just nice to look at all the furniture and dream:)
I 'll show you what I did buy... I've always wanted one for years and when Rhonda picked it up and showed me I knew that's what I was getting, it has a grubby candle in it, right now it's on my hoosier door but I've been hinting that I want a tall jelly cupboard for the livingroom so hopefully soon I'll get one, maybe for my birthday? :)
Here's a package that I didn't show Stush, he just wouldn't get it if you know what I mean, I call it Prairie Grass, yes I said that I bought grass.lol On the package it says old time Easter grass but I've seen this on ebay and you can use it in your bowls with different fixens:) Stush would have said that I could have my pick of grass on the 2 acres we have!
This store had the best grunged up eggs, I bought the aqua ones look how grunged up they are.
In this pic they look alot darker but they are really an agua shade and I just love them:)
Last is the homespun that I bought at the Country Store, I don't know what I'll do with it but thought maybe I'd like to try some curtains on a string or wire? It's beige and black.
I had a wonderful, fun time with Rhonda a very nice prim friend, I'm so thankful that we got to meet and share our love of prims and the blog world:)