My mother was a wonderful sewer made all my clothes, curtains for my bedroom when I was home and the curtains always matched the vanity skirt:) Funny how you remember those things, oh and I remember the vanity too...she made it out of a board covered it in (white) contact paper and used brackets to place the board on then attached the vanity skirt.:) I remember in my teens putting on makeup there. Well, for the past couple weeks I've been thinking about that machine that is in the basement...don't even no if it works, but maybe winning this giveaway from Ann-Marie will give me the boost that I need:) We have a wedding to go to in July and I've been looking for a simple black dress, sleeveless sort of like the ones they were in the 60"s? Do you think I can find any like that? NOT! I sure wish mom were here, I only had to show her a picture from the Seventeen magazine that I wanted and she would have had it made by the time I got home from school! God bless her, I used to hate trying on the things she made me so she could trim the armholes or measure for a hem:) My sister is also a great sewer so maybe I'm just a bit intimidated LOL.
Thanks just might have did me a favor!!!